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Lifecycle FAQ - Windows | Microsoft Docs- Microsoft reminds users about Windows end-of-life support date - MSPoweruser
If you have made the transition from Windows 8 to Windows 8. Mainstream Support for Windows 8. With Mainstream Support, customers have access to new features, non-security updates, complimentary support from Microsoft from any issues that may arise. Windows 8. Non-security updates are only available with Extended Hotfix Support, and complimentary support from Microsoft gives way to paid support options.
About the only good thing about Extended Support is that security updates will continue to be pushed out to Windows 8. According to Microsoft , Windows 8. Support for Windows 8 ended on January 12, , and support for Windows 8. Learn more. Microsoft Apps is no longer supported on Windows 8 or Windows 8. To avoid performance and reliability issues, we recommend that you move to a newer version of Windows.
Select the Microsoft or Other Office versions tab below to learn more about what you need to do for your version of Office. Microsoft is governed by the Modern Lifecycle Policy which requires customers to stay current as per the servicing and system requirements for the product or service, including using Microsoft on a Windows operating system that is currently in support.
Using Microsoft on older, unsupported operating systems may cause performance and reliability issues over time.
As a valuable Office subscriber, we want to continue to provide a stable Office experience. Windows 8 went out of support on January 12, and no longer receives security updates.
Therefore, if you're using Microsoft on a computer running Windows 8 and are configured for automatic updates, you'll no longer receive updates for the Office apps, including feature, security, and other quality updates. Windows 8.
After that date, if you're running Microsoft , you'll no longer receive updates for the Office apps; this includes feature, security, and other quality updates. In order to continue to receive Microsoft product updates, we recommend upgrading Windows 8 or 8. If you're not ready to upgrade at this time, Office on the web is an available alternative. Follow your organization's recommendations for how to transfer your files and apps. However, Windows 8 itself no longer receives security updates, leaving it vulnerable to security threats.
Cancel Submit. Bill Smithers Volunteer Moderator. In reply to Ghost's post on October 22, Extended support is basically your monthly security, etc.
How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. Windows 7 especially with telemetry in updates is no less prone to data gathering than Windows 8x actually the original Windows 8 might be a tad superlative in this area.
I run windows 8. If not their is always run or search. The blatant disregard for customers, refusing to support new CPUs on 7 and 8. Being a power user on Linux is much harder when lacking serious software knowledge, which I unfortunately do. Security updates end in two years. That got me thinking about Windows 8. I feel lucky to have managed to find ones to address my particular peeves, as it may not be the case for everyone else. Classic Shell did its job bringing back the start menu and has heaps of options for customisation.
Last week, I had the choice to reinstall Win 7 or to upgrade. Just bought Win 8. So far so good. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please click on the following link to open the newsletter signup page: Ghacks Newsletter Sign up. Ghacks is a technology news blog that was founded in by Martin Brinkmann. It has since then become one of the most popular tech news sites on the Internet with five authors and regular contributions from freelance writers.
Search for:. Martin Brinkmann. Windows , Windows 8. Windows Update: Safeguard Holds for likely issues are only for businesses, says Microsoft. Microsoft improves Windows 11's Smart App Control, but you may not be able to use it. Internet Explorer is still accessible in Windows 11, here's how to run it. Microsoft improves App Management in the Windows 11 Settings app.
Comments Omar said on January 10, at pm. Hi Martin , My operating system is windows 7 64 bit ultimate ,and i would like to upgrade to windows 10 but i still reluctant. Martin Brinkmann said on January 10, at pm. Oh, do you see the main toolbar menu or a menu icon? Al CiD said on January 11, at am. The first couple days the new theme was up there were ads. Omar said on January 10, at pm. Dave said on January 10, at pm. Weilan said on January 10, at pm. Jed said on January 10, at pm.
Jody Thornton said on January 16, at am. Cigologic said on January 10, at pm. TelV said on January 10, at pm. Yuliya said on January 10, at pm.
Appster said on January 10, at pm. An OS with great performance ruined by interface. Need I say more? DaveyK said on January 10, at pm. Sophie said on January 10, at pm. Never hath more sensible words been uttered!!! Jody Thornton said on January 10, at pm. To clarify this comment was simply saying have not a clue what I will do. ULBoom said on January 10, at pm. Tom Hawack said on January 10, at pm.
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